Four Climate Stories that Will Define 2024

Stories to Watch in 2024 center on the art and science of the New Climate Politics. With more than half the world’s population facing an election year, the key question is how elected leaders will balance ambitious climate action across every sector with the ability to bring all citizens along — benefitting not just the climate, but people and nature, too. Last year shattered global heat records. The world witnessed the effects of #risingtemperatures in the form of devastating wildfires, severe flooding, extreme #heatwaves and more. Poor countries and communities who have contributed the least to causing the climate crisis are bearing the brunt of its accelerating impacts. The UN’s first #GlobalStocktake report showed us that, to hold warming to what scientists consider “safe” levels, we must reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 43% by 2030. But countries’ current climate action plans will reduce emissions by just 8%. And while 2023 also saw exponential progress in electric mobility and renewable energy, we need every sector to reach similar tipping points to unleash a new era of low-carbon prosperity. It’s not too late to course correct. In 2024 — a year where countries representing more than half the global population will hold elections — leaders must make bold choices that benefit not just the climate, but people and nature, too. See the full presentation and Q&A

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